
I had to blog about this because I never want to forget this moment.  Let me explain…

Cali had gymnastics today.  She is very serious about gymnastics and works on improving her skills at home ALL. THE. TIME.  In fact, she has spent her own money buying herself a gymnastics mat and a balance beam.  She wants to purchase a set of bars, but she's a little low on funds.

Anyways, after she comes home from classes, she spends quite a bit of time practicing on her balance beam, her mat, or the trampoline. We sit and the living room and hear the "thunk, thunk" above us as she is upstairs practicing.  She calls Chris and I both up for us to watch her "routines."  We tell her she's awesome, of course.

She also plays the viola.  She has tryouts tomorrow.  Between gymnastics routines upstairs, she would come downstairs to practice her viola.  And she continued this for about 2 1/2 hours…gymnastics, viola, gymnastics, viola, etc.

I walked in the dining room while she was practicing her viola, and just stood and had to watch her for a minute in amazement.  She amazes me at her dedication.  I LOVE that!  It made my heart smile to walk in and see her sitting there in her gymnastics leotard playing her viola.  Such sweetness!!!  I'm thankful that she understands the need to work hard at something.  That if you want to be good at something, you have to give it your all.  I love this girl, and I see a bright, shiny future for her.


I've decided to revitalize the old bloggity blog.  Mainly, I want to keep track of the happenings around Casa de Campbell and record it somewhere...since I have no time anymore to scrapbook or do anything creative.  I'll just do it here.  Besides, I will be environmentally friendly by saving trees and such.

I was going to participate in the "Week in the Life" challenge, but I only got through 45 minutes of my day.  So, I just wanted to share "A Day in My Life"-yesterday...

The alarm went off at 6:30 and I pushed the snooze button until 7:07.  I went to wake Cali up but she croaked out, "My throat hurts and I have a really bad tummy ache."  So me in all my motherly glory said, "Okay, I will go back to bed."  Then I hear Averi's alarm going off just a few minutes later and I yell, "Are you getting up?"  And she yells back, "I REALLY don't feel good...I didn't get any sleep last night because I can't breathe."  (Darn allergies).  So we all took the day off.  Chris included.  He had a dr. appointment so he was just going to work from home.

After I got up at, ahem, 9:00...I decided I was going to document my whole day in pictures.  So, here are the 45 minutes that I got...

Teddy running up and down the fence with the neighbor dogs, Levi and Sissy, when I let her out to go potty.
Pretty sweet potato vines that I planted this weekend.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE peonies!

My pretty rosebush.
I had to take some shots of the lovely things growing in my backyard.  I didn't get any pics of our little garden because I noticed my neighbor sitting on her back porch having coffee...now why did I let that stop me???  Just one of those flaws that I'm working on.

I come in to find Cali all curled up on the couch watching Phineas and Ferb.  I'm beginning to wonder if she is really sick or not.

I catch Chris working next to Cali on the couch.  

Then I find Thomasina in the window sill wanting in...this is after she wakes me up at 4:40 AM to let her out!!!  I think I will just make her wait a little longer.

And I go to check on Averi...and she actually IS sick.  She spends most her day in bed...not on the couch watching cartoons-coughing or groaning when I walk into the room like some other girl I know. 

This is where my pictures end.  But I went on to have a really great day.  I just don't have photos of it.  I went to lunch with my friend, Tyra.  We ate at this really fun place called Cool Greens.  It is kind of like a Chipotle but with healthy food-like salad and wraps and such.  VERY GOOD!!!  

Then it was off to buy groceries.  Fun, fun.  Then I got to take a NAP because I didn't have to pick anyone up from school OR take anyone to practice or lessons.   Then we cooked an awesome dinner on the grill.  And Chris cleaned the kitchen!

Who could ask for a better day?  And it made me think...this is what happiness is.  Not the big things, but the little things that make up each day.