Today was our Children's Christmas production at church. It was fantastic! I have seen a few Christmas plays in my day, but I do believe this is the best I have ever seen. Cali played the character of "Joy" who was part of the choir. She did an excellent job!!! I'm so proud of her! In fact, I told her so this evening and she said, "I hate the 'I'm proud of you' talks." WHAT?! Whatever!
All of the kids in the play did a great job. Here is a picture of the whole cast:

I was happy to have all my family come to watch the play. Again, I will say...It was FANTASTIC! I'm such a proud Mama-but don't tell Cali!
This evening we had our annual Christmas dinner at church. Santa said the blessing over the meal, then he got to go through the line first so he could be available for the kids to come sit on his lap...
We had TONS of delicious food. I believe the best cooks in the world attend my church! After dinner, we had a small talent show. The kids got up and performed...some played the piano, one played the trumpet, and a few sang songs. Cali played the piano:
and then she and Tori performed, "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.
It was really good. She cracks me up because she is pretty shy, but you would never know that by seeing her perform in the play this morning and then in the talent show tonight. I love that she doesn't share my fright of the spotlight!
After the kids shared their talents, we all got to visit with Santa.
Chris and Averi rolled their eyes when I asked them to take a family pic with Santa. They knew it was a losing battle so they didn't even try to protest! My friend Kristy came up to me later and said she thanked Chris for setting the example for the other husbands (like hers) who didn't want to get their pictures made with Santa. She said that Chris told her "happy wife, happy life!" Ha! I love him!
Glimpses of God-Sunday, December 12th:
All day I have had thoughts of how thankful I am to be a part of such a wonderful church. I love that we have found a place where everyone seems just like a member of our family, where we have found our places to serve God, where we learn and grow spiritually. A place where we are loved and our kids are loved.
As I sat through the play, I thought about all the love and time that was put into this perfect, wonderful gift for our congregation. The two ladies who put it all together were so amazing with the kids. They encouraged them and loved them each step of the way. And after the play, many different members of our church came up to each of the kids and told them what a wonderful job they did.
At our dinner tonight, I looked around at all the different people interacting with one another.
The kids were all running around playing together-not in little groups or cliques, but just all together. During the talent show, they were all sitting together in a large group in front of the stage. As each of them went up to perform, the others would cheer them on when they finished. It was such a sweet moment to see honor instead of competition.
The adults were all standing around talking or sitting together in groups. Everyone mixing and mingling with one another. No one sitting alone or off to themselves...everyone feeling included, welcomed. You could sense the love felt for one another. I observed a man helping one of the elderly ladies get her plate, drink, and utensils back to her seat. And I watched a lady help a young family with 3 little boys get all their plates and drinks back to their table.
I watched a group of teen boys standing around waiting to get into the food line. A boy walked in with his mom and girlfriend and the group of boys called him over and asked him if that was his girlfriend. He said yes. And they high-fived him and told him good job!
After coming home and thinking of these different scenarios, it just made me feel proud to be a part of this. This is what God intended His church to be like: loving one another, encouraging one another, fellowshipping with one another, helping one another, praising one another, enjoying one another...things like that.
I leave you with this verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:11-
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.