Today, while going through Averi and Cali's backpacks, taking out all of their school stuff I found an autobiography assignment that Averi did. One of the topics she had to write about was the best advice she ever got. This is what she wrote:
"The best advice I've ever received was from my mom, she told me to 'Never Give Up.' I've always been into drawing, but time after time I would get frustrated. I thought I wasn't good enough. But she told me not to give up. To keep trying. I practiced and practiced. Everyday I strived to be better. And I did. Now I'm in AP Art and plan on taking art classes this summer. I won second place in the art show, and was chosen to have my art on the art show flyer. I was in the All-City art show, and in the May Fair. I didn't give up, and I never will. A little advice can go a long way. A little advice is something I now live on."
Wow! I just may be doing something right. You don't get many accolades being a mom. You don't get a yearly assessment or evaluation that tells you how you are doing or that commends you for the things you are doing right. But when you do find things like this. Or you hear things like, "You were my most favorite teacher ever!" from Cali. Or you get a thank you for something...it just, it just makes you feel validated!!! So, today I feel like I'm a good mom and that I am doing it right.
FYI-This picture was taking at Averi's school art show where she won second place. All of the drawings on the board are her's. Isn't she talented????