One Little Word

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After much deliberation and flip-flopping I have finally decided on my "one little word" for 2011. The idea behind the "one little word" concept is to choose a word, just one word, to reflect upon, focus on, act upon, use as a guide througout the year.

I have participated in selecting one little word for the past two years. And I have to admit, it has been a very enlightening experience. Last year I chose "LIVE" as my word. And the previous year I chose "FREEDOM". Both words each year suited my outlook very well. And I'm thinking the one I have chosen for this year will as well.

I had two different words that I equally liked. For the past several days I have pondered on which would be the best fit for what I hope to accomplish or become this year. This is my word for 2011:


[nur-cher] verb, -tured, -tur·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
to feed and protect: to nurture one's offspring.
to support and encourage, as during the period of training ordevelopment; foster: to nurture promising musicians.
to bring up; train; educate.
rearing, upbringing, training, education, or the like.
development: the nurture of young artists.
something that nourishes; nourishment; food.

Here's my plan:
Nurture Myself: Take better care of my body, get more rest, grow spiritually.
Nurture My Family: Provide healthy meals, Be available to meet their needs and be attentive in doing so, provide love and encouragement, make our home a place of happiness and rest.

Nurture My Environment: Be better at recycling, shop locally, eat food grown in my garden, be more conscious about the products I use and buy, consume less.

So there it is. What is your "one little word"?

1 comment:

  1. I think I want to use "OPEN". I hope to have an open mind in understanding others and myself, an open heart to love others (and myself), as well as being capable of recognizing an open door to what future God has in store for me. xoxoxo
