Averi Patricia Campbell
14 Years Ago, I was in the hospital awaiting my induction the next morning and anxiously awaiting my new baby.
I had expected to be nervous...I didn't know what to expect, the whole birthing experience and all.
I had expected to be scared...was it going to hurt?
I was SO excited...what was my new baby going to look like?
I was happy...I was going to be a mama-something I always wanted to be.
I was tired...who can actually sleep in the hospital 9+months pregnant, with monitors and tubes attached to your body?
I was a whole lot of things.
But NOTHING could have ever actually prepared me for the feelings I would have when they placed that itty, bitty, tiny 6 pound 3 ounce baby into my arms. I was in awe of her. She was so, so beautiful. She still is.
Not only is she the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on, she is a part of me. She is my legacy, the part of me that will live on and remain after I'm gone. I will live on through her and her children.
She brings such joy to our lives.
Her sweet, gentle spirit gives me a glimpse of God everyday.
Mostly, I identify God's love for me in my love for her. I think how much I love her and what all I would do for her, and then it's like an "AHA!" moment..."so that's how much I mean and matter to God."
Because she is my world. My first thought in the morning and my last thought at night.
She is my child. I am so blessed.
She is absolutely, positively the best big sister there is. Cali is so very lucky.
She is also a great friend. She has so many good, close friends that she has been friends with for a long time. She is loyal, trustworthy, and a whole lot of fun.
One of the things I love best about her is her ability to find beauty and joy in the simplest of things...a leaf, a day of play in the snow, an interesting looking rock...things like that. Her love for all of God's creations is evident in the way she regards the beauty of the earth and the living creatures she shares the earth with.
She has never been one to crave the spotlight. Rather, she's more of the sensitive, silent type. She amazes me sometimes with her perspective on things. She's very witty and has a very funny, comical side.
She loves to travel and to go, go, go. But she likes home, too. And I like that she likes to be home.
I still think she's a princess...although she loathes the whole "princess" notion. I tell her to think of it in the terms of being a daughter of the King (God) and to always respect herself and present herself as nothing less.
I am so proud of who and what she has become. She is so talented in art and music. She is a good student. And she is an all around great young lady.
My greatest wish for Averi is that she will always believe in herself. Confidence is the key. I believe she can accomplish anything.
I also pray that Averi will know how incredibly much she is loved. Not just by me and Chris and other family and friends, but by God...who loves her so much more than she could ever imagine.
I am blessed beyond measure to have been given this soul to nurture and guide. The past 14 years have flown by. I have enjoyed every minute of every day with this girl and I look forward to celebrating at least 114 more with her.
We all love Averi so very much. I am thankful for her and know I have much to learn from her. Thank you, dearest niece of mine - for bringing her into our lives. What a blessing!