When I first arrived there was a group of kids from a local school there. As I walked up I noticed my niece, Tori, in the group. I thought it was kind of cool that the school saw the importance of showing these kids the idea of Veteran's Day, and to take them to the memorial to show them all the names of the people of our area who have served in the different wars.
I found my Papaw's name, Wilburn Utah Hurst. A big feeling of pride welled up inside me. Pride for the fact that this name carved into this stone slab was someone whom I loved and thought the world of. And pride of the thought of him serving his country in World War 2. And pride that he was a Marine. And pride that I, too, was loved by him. And just pride that he is memorialized for the sacrifice that he gave.
I really don't know much about his service. I know he was a Marine. I know he served in World War 2. I know that he was injured and awarded a Purple Heart. I really wish I knew more. I was 19 when he died and oh how I wish I knew more about this time of his life. Like...where did he serve? Germany? Japan? How did he feel about the war? Did he make any friends among other soldiers he served with? Was he scared? Did he leave a sweetheart behind?...just things like that, I would love to know.
I love that they have created a memorial for our veteran's. I think it is so important for us to recognize what they have done for our country...from WW1 through Iraq. I personally would love to thank each one of them...especially the one listed whom I dearly loved.
Glimpses of God-November 11, 2010
While visiting the memorial, I just kept having thoughts of my Papaw. And just how lucky I was to have known and been loved by him. I often think about what he would be like now. And what he would think of my girls. I wish they could have known him!
My glimpse of God today was in the wonderful memories that I have of Wilburn Utah Hurst, the lessons that he taught me, and the love that he showed me. One particularly sweet memory was one that occurred shortly before he died: I was all depressed and self-absorbed (like most 19 year olds) because me and my boyfriend had just broken up and I was going on and on how life was SO bad. He looked at me and told me, "You need to look around you and see that your life really isn't that bad. I work with a girl who is pregnant and her husband gave her AIDS. So really in comparison, you're life isn't that bad!" Ummmm...no I guess it wasn't. And you know, that has stuck with me all of these years. Anytime I think I may have it bad, I just think...there is somebody out there, somewhere, who has it a lot worse than I. And you know what else, I have found that by taking the focus off myself and thinking of someone else has made me a much happier person. So today I thank God for the life of Wilburn Utah Hurst!!!
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