Then I stayed up way too late glued to the tv watching the results. I won't talk politics on this blog. I have certain principles and values that I believe and stand for, which more than likely are completely different to some of yours. There is really no point for me to try to push my political views on to you, nor you to push yours on me. So that's that!
What I do want to talk about is the governor race here in Oklahoma. I feel it was such a positive message to my daughters. We made history last night and elected the first female governor of our state. But what is so amazing is that both of the candidates were female! I love what that reflects....that gender is a non issue! There is nothing that can hold you back from pursuing your dreams just because you are a girl. We are a fairly conservative state and look what we did...we took the two most qualified, respected, trust-worthy individuals and nominated them to become our next governor. It didn't matter that they were both women! Way to go, Oklahoma!
I've heard this analogy before and really liked it and wanted to share it with you:
God did NOT take Eve from Adam's head, to lord it over him;
Nor did He take her from his feet, to be trampled by him;
But God took Eve from Adam's side, from next to his heart, to be loved, cherished and protected (as needed) by him, to be an equal companion at his side.
Glimpses of God: November 2, 2010
So here is where I saw God this day:
What I witnessed last night in Mary Fallon's victory speech was what I think God wants...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!!! At the beginning of her speech she said that first and foremost she wanted to thank "her father, her HEAVENLY FATHER!" WOW. So many times I think people are afraid to acknowledge God because of the repercussions that might occur from people who may become offended. But she didn't let that stop her. She acknowledged God, she thanked Him. She KNOWS that she would not have been elected if it wasn't part of His plan.
For far too many years we have turned away from God...prayer being taken from schools, people afraid to mention God in political/public forums, people wanting God to be omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance, Bibles being banned, etc. But here's the thing-look where we have gotten in doing all of this. I believe God wants us to turn back to Him to give credit where credit is due. I hope this is a start and that more people publicly will proclaim God as the Creator and Ruler of EVERYTHING!
We are all loved immensely by God (Democrats AND Republicans-ha!). All He asks is that we love Him back. To give Him glory. To acknowledge His sovereignty, His provisions in our lives. God knew who was going to be put into each of the offices that were voted on last night. He didn't sit up all night watching the projections and results biting his fingernails worrying about whether His candidate was going to win or not-He knew! And I bet it put a great big smile on His face when Mary Fallon thanked Him!
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