
I added my 100 things to do in 2011 list to the sidebar of my blog. Here is what I have done so far..
#99 Bake Bread.

I bought a package of bread mix a few months ago. I got it out and mixed it up and OH. MY. GOODNESS. I may never buy store bought bread again! It was sooooo delicious. I made a loaf of whole wheat bread. Of course it was a mix, but I'm thinking making it from scratch may not be all that different. Oh, it was good!

#28 Enroll Cali in gymnastics.

She loves gymnastics! And she is really good at it. She comes home each day after class and tells me what her goal for the next time is going to be. Like, "I'm going to try to flip over the high bar next time," or "My goal is to do the splits." I love that she is setting goals for herself. And I love that she has found something that she enjoys and feels confident in doing.

This picture has nothing to do with gymnastics, but I had to share it because we saw this after leaving gymnastics on our way to piano lessons...three big poodles on top of their house's roof! How bizarre! I'll get a picture of Cali at gymnastics next week when she goes.
#90 Take a Yoga Class.

I just did this last week. I got my cousin, Danyelle to go with me and we tried out the "Yoga Lite" class at the Y. It was called Yoga Lite because it is easier, which is perfect because I've never done Yoga nor had Danyelle. It was not much of a workout, so later in the week we attended the "Fitness Yoga" class.

Woh! Major difference. I was sweating like crazy, my muscles were quaking, it was intense...the chair pose, a plank, a dancer's pose...my favorite was the child's pose, HA! I did really enjoy it and plan to go back, today, in fact.

A funny story from the class: The instructor asked us to turn our phones off at the beginning of class and I did. Well at the end of class we are all in relaxation pose and my phone starts going off...I only turned the ringer off so it is vibrating LOUDLY. Then just as it quits, we hear snoring. Someone on the other side of the room FELL ASLEEP and they were sawing logs! Too funny. So it wasn't real relaxing. Amusing maybe! The girl who fell asleep, her friend had to wake her up after class was over. Poor thing. She was so embarrassed and she kept saying that she didn't get any sleep the night before. After we left, Danyelle said, "You better nudge me awake the second I start snoring if I ever fall asleep!" I told her she better do the same. Unfortunately, I have no picture to share of this accomplishment!

#31 Make a table for behind the couch.

Chris actually made it. But I designed it. It turned out great and I love having that space filled in. And a place to put more pictures and stuff.

#61 Go to World Market with Barb.

My friend Barbara and I have been talking about trekking up to north OKC to go to World Market for a few years now. We FINALLY did it last month. It is a large store that has different booths all through it where people sell anything from homemade, crafty stuff to antiques to clothes, to jewelry to all kinds of cool stuff. I came home with a antique statue of Mary and a letterpress "C". I saw all sorts of other stuff I want to get, I just have to save my pennies.

#14 Stay in my PJ's all day.

This was pretty easy to accomplish when we had all of the snowy/icy weather last month and no school for 4 days straight-2 weeks in a row. Actually, I think me and the girls did this a couple of days. Sorry, no picture.

1 comment:

  1. Love your list!!! Hope you continue to enjoy your yoga class. I know my body (and mind) love me when I do it! xoxo
