
A night out with our friends and no kids for the weekend!!!! Tim and Jodi are celebrating their 16th anniversary. Chris and I tagged along for the night. We had dinner at a place that was on my 100 list of things to do/accomplish...

(I'm on crunch time, so I'm trying to check as many things off my list before the year is up.)

We had a lovely dinner. I highly recommend the Tilapia (blackened, of course!).

After dinner we went to Riverwind Casino. That was fun! Then we stopped at Sooner Legends where Tim and I were going to karaoke, but didn't...he wasn't feeling well (thought he "had a case of THE DIABETES"-long, very funny story). So we ended the night and I got to go home with the best looking guy in the bar...

Glimpses of God-November 12, 2010

I saw God all over the place today! When I was talking about my blog, my friend, Jodi, asked me, "Are you gonna write that you saw God while sitting at the slot machine winning money." Well no, that's not really where I saw Him. But I did see Him in all the relationships that I am so privileged to be a part of.

First, my sweet Mamaw offered to ride down to Asher with me to take the girls to Chris' mom's house for the weekend. She kept me company on the looooong drive home.

And God was definitely with us when we hit a horrible rain storm and I couldn't see a thing in front of me! I had to pull over on the side of the road for a few minutes to let the rain die down a little.

God has blessed Chris and I these amazing friends. We always have so much fun together. I never laugh as much as I do when I am with these two. They are HILARIOUS!!! So God was definitely in the joy that we have while with our friends. And maybe, Jodi, God may have had a part of me winning at the slot machine!

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