Thanksgiving 2010

I love Thanksgiving! I love having a day to reflect on the many blessings I have been given. I try to do this every day, but, well...sometimes I just don't.

We spent the day with Chris' family. His mom made a delicious dinner. We got to visit with his brother, Scott and his family...which we usually only do on Thanksgiving. We got to enjoy relaxing and playing games, and visiting, and referring fights between our crazy dogs. It was a wonderful day!

Glimpses of God-November 25, 2010

I saw God in every thought I had of the day-my gratitude, His provisions...just the mere thought of thankfulness. I woke up and laid in bed for a moment and thought of all that I have to be thankful for. I decided that I was going to go through my whole day and thank God for all of my blessings. Here they are:

I am thankful that:
  • I got to wake up in a nice, soft, warm bed.
  • I have sanitary living conditions...I have a toilet, I have a shower, I have shampoo and soap, I have a toothbrush and toothpaste, and clean running water.
  • We have clothes and shoes to wear.
  • I only had to make one dish to take for Thanksgiving dinner and that I have a stove/oven to cook with.
  • We had transportation to drive us to her home and money for gas.
  • My family is all healthy and happy.
  • We have a dog to love on and give us joy.
  • I received texts from family and friends wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving.
  • We arrived safely to enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving with Chris' family.
  • We had a fabulously, delicious dinner.
  • We got to spend the whole day visiting and enjoying being with family.
  • My girls' got to know this side of their family a little better.
  • Everyone didn't mind my picture taking obsession.
  • My MIL didn't get too upset when Teddy pee'd on her carpet...just minutes before we left, I might add!
  • We had a safe trip home.
  • We had a home to come home to.
  • We have electricity and modern conveniences.
  • We live in a country that allows us to be free to worship whom we choose.
  • We live in a place where we are safe and secure.
  • I can go to bed knowing my children are protected and loved and fed and healthy.
  • I have a husband who happily provides for us and makes it possible for me to be able to stay home and take care of my family, and that he supports me in everything that I do, and that he loves me and Averi and Cali with all of his heart.
  • I have an awesome extended family and wonderful friends who love me and my family.
  • I have a Heavenly Father who has incredibly blessed me and loves me beyond anything I can comprehend.
  • I am healthy, and happy, and loved, and filled with gratitude!

I leave you with one of my favorite quotes that is perfect for Thanksgiving:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. -Melody Beattie

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