Something You Just Don't See Everyday...

I see this every time I drive thru Lexington, OK on my way to Asher to my MIL's. It is a VW Bug spider. That is a real, full-sized VW bug!!! It sits next to a car lot/mechanic. It used to be a VW lot...where they sold and serviced Volkswagens.

Every time I pass it, I think...I need to get a picture of that, it is too cool, and maybe it won't be there one of these days, and it is a memory of mine-seeing it every time I pass by this area." (A lot of thoughts at once, huh?) Before we approached it on our way home from picking up the girls today from Grandma's, I asked Chris to pull over and let me get a "good" pic of it. I have tried taking pictures of it before-driving by and trying to shoot the picture...that never worked. So, stopping, getting out of the car, and taking the picture was what I did today. I love that my husband is so patient with me and my obsessive picture taking. Anyways, I just wanted to share it here with you all (if there is actually anyone who reads my blog) and show you a very unique landmark in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma.

Glimpses of God-November 14, 2010

Your heart is your love,
Your love is your family,
Your family is your future,
Your future is your destiny,
Your destiny is your ambition,
Your ambition is your aspiration,
Your aspiration is your motivation,
Your motivation is your belief,
Your belief is your peace,
Your peace is your target,
Your target is your heaven.

My glimpse of God today is in the love that I share with my children. THEY are my love. THEY are my future. I feel it was my destiny to be a mom and to provide a happy, nourishing home for them. It is my ambition to provide a happy, nourishing home for them. A home where they feel loved, wanted, secure, happy. A home where they want to be. I aspire to be a loving, patient, kind, helpful, nurturing, thoughtful, respectful, positive mother to Averi and Cali. They motivate me to work at becoming a better person. My belief is that they are gifts from God...blessings that I am so unworthy of, but so ever grateful that He entrusted me with these two beautiful souls to love, cherish, teach. I am at peace that I am right where I need to be at this time in my life-at home, taking care of them and their needs. My target is to grow them into courageous, loving, spiritual, caring, passionate, helpful, kind-hearted, gracious women. I thank God for honoring me with this privilege.

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