Happy Heart Month

Is it February already?????

I guess so...because I'm thinking about all the things I love. And in doing so I have decided to dedicate my blog this month to all the people, places, and things that I love. Each day I will do a post highlighting what I love that day. Plus it will give me incentive to blog each day...I'm still getting the hang of this old bloggity-blog! Anyways, here we go....

Tuesday, February 1st-I {Heart} Snow Days!!!!!

We got a whole lot of snow dumped on us last night and today, 10 plus inches, I believe. They are calling it "Snowmageddon 2011". Well that's what all the smarty pants on facebook are calling it. I'm calling it a nice day off!

A day off from getting everyone up and ready and off to school.

A day off from packing lunches.

A day off from Teddy wanting me to play with her all day long because I'm the only one here.

A day off from making the rounds picking girls up from school.

A day off from taking Cali to gymnastics and piano lessons.

A day off from helping with homework.

A day off from trying to get Averi and Cali off to bed at a decent hour so they won't be tired the next day.

A day off from battling Cali over what she's wearing for school.

A day off from caring about what time it is at any given moment.

I absolutely love snow days. I know they are cumbersome for most. I remember the days when I worked in OKC and had to drive on the snowy/icy roads...I didn't much like snow days then. But now, when my girls are out of school and Chris is working from home, I LOVE them.

I feel that snow days are a special gift from God. They allow us a break from the daily grind. An opportunity to stay in, be together with our families, a day to take it easy and relax. They are also days to catch up with friends and family. I got to talk to my friend Aimee today because she was out of school for a snow day, too. And I got to talk to my mom, my dad, another friend, and my nephew. Plus I got texts from two different friends and my sister. Snow days nurture relationships. Everyone is calling around or texting to find out how their friends and families are doing in spite of the weather situation. Snow days just bring us all together and slow down the craziness of life for a moment.

So that's what I'm loving today, snow days! How about you? What are you loving today?

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