Has it really been a week? I'm ashamed of myself. I had such good intentions of blogging EVERYDAY the things that I love this month. I have kept up with it in my mind and have taken and taken a picture each day...I'm just going to have to play catch up now. Lets see....
Tuesday, February 8-I {HEART} Couponing

Look at all this stuff. You would think that I spent quite a chunk of change on all of this, right? Well thanks to my new obsession, couponing, I didn't. Who knew? Who knew that you could really, actually save money by clipping out coupons and using them at the grocery store??? Amazing! And now I'm hooked.

You can actually get some stuff for free. For instance, I had a coupon for $1.00 off two jars of salsa. Homeland had the salsa on sale for .99 each. Also, Homeland doubles coupons. So I got 2 jars of salsa for FREE! Woohoo!!!

I will admit it is time consuming and you do have to put a lot of thought and planning into your shopping. But it is worth it. And besides, I'm not working anymore so I kind of consider this my job now...saving money.
Wednesday, February 9-I {HEART} READING

I can totally get lost in a good book. I LOVE to read. It is one of my favorite past times. And right now being snowed in...I have done nothing but sitting in this spot, wrapped up in a warm, furry blanket, enjoying this book. I'm currently reading, The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larrson. It is the second book in a trilogy and it is REALLY good. I highly recommend!

Anyways, I have always loved reading. I can remember back to being a kid and reading Amelia Bedelia books, and Pippi Longstocking-LOVED them! I remember being like 12 and 13 and reading the ALL of the VC Andrews books. I recently re-read the Flowers in the Attic series...what was my mother thinking letting me read those books at that age????? OMG.

My ultimate goal is to some day write a novel. I betcha didn't know that one of the main reasons I began blogging was to give me practice in putting my thoughts into writing...getting me prepared to make that big step into writing that novel. I have lots of ideas for plots. I know lots of interesting people who have been in/are in very interesting circumstances, so I could write a number one best seller just on the people I know. I just need to figure out how to do it without being obvious.

Some of my favorite authors are: Billie Letts, Francine Rivers, Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Meyer, Wally Lamb, Mary Higgins-Clark, and Suzanne Collins. Billie Letts wrote my favorite book ever, Where the Heart Is. Francine Rivers writes the BEST Christian fiction, which I love because it puts a hint of reality into the lives of the biblical characters that we have heard the stories on all throughout our lives without giving a second thought to the feelings, perspective, realness of the them. Janet Evanovich-she just cracks me up! Stephanie Meyer...aaahhh, she takes me back to that younger me, lovestruck and raw with teenage emotion. However, I wasn't in love with a vampire (or a werewolf). I like Wally Lamb's books because they are so candid. He does such a great job of portraying his characters feelings and makes you feel all caught up in their thoughts and such. Mary Higgins-Clark keeps me on the edge. It is not very often that I start a book of hers and don't have it finished within a day or two. I can't put the things down! And Suzanne Collins, wow, what an imagination!

I love me some books!

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